program standard c given the pressure altitude, this subroutine evaluates the c various atmospheric parameters c implicit none double precision mu, hp, pamb, tamb, rhoamb, c double precision thermk, nu c print*, 'please enter the desired pressure altitude' read(5,*) hp c print*, ' ' c ********************************************************************* c given altiitude evaluate pressure c COMPUTE ATMOSPHERIC PROPERTIES call stnd(hp,pamb,tamb,mu,rhoamb,c,thermk, nu) print*,'for altitude:',hp,' feet' print*,'the standard atmospheric quantities are:' print*,'pamb=',pamb, ' psf.' print*,'tamb=',tamb, ' Deg. R.' print*,'mu=',mu,' lbf-sec/ft**2' print*,'rho=',rhoamb, ' lbm/ft**3' print*,'sonic velocity=',c, ' ft/sec' print*,'thermal conductivity=',thermk,' btu/ft-sec deg. R' c stop end c c ******************************************************************* c subroutine stnd(h,p,trank,mu,rho,c,thermk, nu) c implicit none double precision mu,h, p, trank, rho, c, thermk double precision hkm, t, pmb, sqrt, nu integer nbrk parameter (nbrk=7) double precision tbrk(nbrk),thbrk(nbrk) c intrinsic sqrt external tpmet, binsrh c c******************************************* c c this subroutine calculates ambient pressure (psf), c temperature (deg R), dynamic viscosity, lbf-sec/ft, c kinematic viscosity ft**2/ sec, local sound speed, c and thermal conductivity c --given the altitude c save tbrk,thbrk c c define thermal conductivity breakpoints c temperature data tbrk/350.,402.,492.,582.,672.,852.,1032./ c thermal conductivity data thbrk/2.778e-06,3.278e-06,3.889e-06, + 4.472e-06,4.972e-06,5.889e-06,6.889e-06/ c c compute pressure and temperature c c convert h to kilometers hkm=h/3280.8 c compute temperature in deg. kelvin and c pressure in millibars call tpmet(hkm,t,pmb) c c convert temperature to deg Rankine trank=(9./5.)*t c c calculate dynamic viscosity, mu in nt-sec/meter squared mu = (1.458e-6 * (t ** 1.5)) / (t + 110.4) c c convert pressure to psf p=pmb*(2116.2166/1013.25) c convert mu to lbf-second/foot squared mu=mu/47.880258 c c calculate the density for the given altitude rho=p/(53.3*trank) c c compute the kinematic viscosity c nu=32.1742*(mu)/(rho) c c compute the local sonic velocity c in ft/sec c=49.02*sqrt(trank) c c compute thermal conductivity in c btu/(ft-sec-deg r.) c call binsrh(tbrk,thbrk,nbrk,trank,thermk) c return end c c c subroutine tpmet(h,t,p) c c subroutine uses 1976 metric standard atmosphere to compute c temperature in deg k. and pressure in millibars c given the altitude in kilometers c implicit none double precision gprime, rstar, Mo, h, t, p integer j, index double precision expn, exp, term1, term2 c parameter (gprime=9.80665,Rstar=8.31432,Mo=28.9644) c c gprime is the acceleration of gravity at sea level c in M/sec**2 c c Rstar is the gas constant in N meters/ kMol deg k c c Mo is the molecular weight of air in Kg/kMol c c define breakpoint arrays c Hmb -- altitude, Tmb -- temperature c Lmb -- lapse rate, Pmb -- pressure reaL Hmb(8),Tmb(8),Lmb(8),Pmb(8) c c ISO is a logical variable which instructs c the code to switch from isothermal c code logic to variable temperature code c logic logical ISO c c initialize parameters c data ISO/.true./ c data Hmb/0.,11.,20.,32.,47.,51.,71.,84.5/ c data Tmb/288.15, 216.65, 216.65, 228.65, + 270.65, 270.65, 214.65, 187.65/ c data Pmb/1013.25, 226.32, 54.748, 8.6801, + 1.1090, 0.66938, 0.039564, 0.0039814/ c data Lmb/-6.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.8, 0.0, -2.8, -2.0, -2.0/ c c find breakpoint region c do 1 j=1,8 1 if( index=j c print*, 'INDEX=',index c c check to see whether or not this is an isothermal region c if(index.eq.2.or.index.eq.5) then ISO=.true. else ISO=.false. endif c c compute pressure and temperature c if(ISO) then c pressure expn=gprime*Mo*(h-Hmb(index))/(Rstar*Tmb(index) ) p=Pmb(index)*exp(-expn) c temperature t=Tmb(index) c else c pressure expn=gprime*Mo/(Rstar*Lmb(index)) Term1=Tmb(index)+Lmb(index)*(h-Hmb(index)) term2=Tmb(index)/term1 p=Pmb(index)*(term2**expn) c temperature t=Term1 c endif c return end c C C C SUBROUTINE BINSRH(XBRK,YBRK,NBRK,X,Y) C IMPLICIT NONE C C THIS IS A BINARY SEARCH ALGORITHM C THE ALGORITHM LOCATES THE APPROPRIATE TABLE C ELEMENTS FOR THE ABSCISSA (XBRK), AND USES LINEAR C INTERPOLATION TO SOLVE FOR THE ORDINATE Y. C DOUBLE PRECISION XBRK(*),YBRK(*), X, Y DOUBLE PRECISION XMIN, XMAX INTEGER NBRK, NMAX, NMIN, NTOP, NBOT, NHALF EXTERNAL INTERPL C C CHECK FOR OVERRANGE ON THE TABLE C XMIN = XBRK(1) XMAX = XBRK(NBRK) IF(X.LT.XBRK(1).OR.X.GT.XBRK(NBRK)) THEN C c WRITE(99,100) XBRK(1),XBRK(NBRK),X PRINT100, XBRK(1),XBRK(NBRK),X 100 FORMAT(1X,'VALUE OF X IS OUTSIDE OF TABLE'/1X, +'XMIN,XMAX,X=',3(F11.4,1X)/) C IF(X.LT.XBRK(1) ) THEN WRITE(99,*) ' X LESS THAN XMIN TABLE VALUE' WRITE(99,*) 'VALUE OF XMIN IS USED' X=XMIN ELSE WRITE(99,*) ' X GREATER THAN XMAX TABLE VALUE' WRITE(99,*) ' VALUE OF XMAX IS USED' X=XMAX ENDIF C ENDIF C NOTE: TABLE MUST BE IN ASCENDING ORDER FOR THE C ABSCISSA C C INITIALIZE NBOT=1 NTOP=NBRK C C BEGIN SEARCH C 10 NHALF=(NTOP-NBOT)/2+NBOT IF(XBRK(NBOT).LE.X.AND.X.LE.XBRK(NHALF)) THEN C NBOT=NBOT NTOP=NHALF C ELSE C NBOT=NHALF NTOP=NTOP C ENDIF IF((NBOT+1).LT.NTOP) THEN GO TO 10 ENDIF C C INTERPOLATE OFF OF RESULTS NMAX=NTOP NMIN=NBOT C CALL INTERPL(XBRK,YBRK,NMIN,NMAX,X,Y) C 99 CONTINUE C RETURN END C C C SUBROUTINE INTERPL(XBRK,YBRK,NMIN,NMAX,X,Y) C IMPLICIT NONE C C SUBROUTINE PERFORMS LINEAR INTERPOLATION ON THE INPUT C ARRAY'S--XBRK ARE THE ABSCISSA AND YBRK ARE C THE ORDINATE DOUBLE PRECISION XBRK(*),YBRK(*), X, Y, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, SLOPE INTEGER NMIN, NMAX C X1=XBRK(NMIN) X2=XBRK(NMAX) C Y1=YBRK(NMIN) Y2=YBRK(NMAX) C SLOPE=(Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1) Y=(X-X1)*SLOPE+Y1 C RETURN END C C C