
Chapter 8:

Storage of Hydrogen Peroxide



Exposure to Heat

Venting and Circulation

Storage Container Materials

  • Plastic tanks are suitable for up to 50% hydrogen peroxide provided they are made of correct polymeric material.
    • Example plastics are polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride such as Solvay SOLEF®, and a co-polymer of vinylidene fluoride and hexafluoro propylene such as VITON®.
  • White chemical porcelain and borosilicate glass are both compatible with highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide and are widely used for small scale laboratory apparatus.
    • Light can cause photochemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
    • Amber colored glass contaners extend the lifetime of high concentration H2O2 Solutions.

Detailed List of Plastic/Polymeric Materials Compatability

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